Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Your body is not an enemy

I'm a slacker. 

I didn't do a New Year's post. I haven't made any resolutions. I was too busy enjoying time off from work and our regular routine that I blew it all off. 

I haven't been online much at all day today because I was de-Christmasfying my home. I'm just now catching up on 24 hours of Facebook New Year's greetings. 

I found the above photo on one of my favorite FB pages, Go Kaleo. I won't go into detail on who she is other than to say she makes sense when she says to listen to your body. Check out her blog here and her FB page here

My goal for 2013 is to start eating healthy and exercising again. Maybe I'll even lose some weight (I hope so - I'm too cheap to buy new jeans!). I also need to declutter the basement storage room again. It looks like a bomb went off down there with all the boxes and wrapping paper strewn around from Christmas. My scrapbooking area looks even worse. LOL I've heard that losing weight and getting organized are two of the most popular new years's resolutions. What can I say? I like to go with the flow.

Oh and by the way, happy new year!

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