Monday, October 25, 2010

No-Sew Blanket Tutorial

no sew blanket tutorial

I love making no-sew blankets. They're super easy to put together, I don't have to drag out the sewing machine and best of all, they're warm and cozy! I've made seven blankets - all as gifts except the one in the photo above. That one is mine. The first blanket I ever made was a February birthday gift for my adult stepdaughter. My kids - her younger siblings - were so jealous that I made each of them a blanket the following Christmas. Happiness. My son Adam used his so much it wore thin, not to mention he grew so tall that it became too short for him. Emily still keeps hers on her bed and sleeps with it every night. A few years later I made a red & gray blanket for my husband's birthday. I think I used it more than he did. I decided at that point that it was about time I made one for me. I bought solid green and bright striped fleece on sale at Jo-Ann's. I took it home and put the bag in the corner of my bedroom with my other projects. There it sat while other stuff became a priority. Last Christmas I made Adam a new, longer blanket to accommodate his now 5'8" frame. I ordered the fabric online from Jo-Ann's and they sent an extra yard of each piece. Bonus! I used the extra fabric to make a blanket for the cats, yet I still didn't have mine. *sigh*

Fast forward to last Wednesday when my kids were both home from school sick. I took the day off because Adam was running a temp. I don't mess with fevers. Anyway, what better opportunity to finally make my blanket than on an unexpected day off from work. I opened the bag of fabric and discovered an old Jo-Ann's flyer tucked inside. It was dated February 2007. It took three and a half years but I am finally getting my very own blanket!

I decided to spread the joy and post a tutorial right here on my blog. There really is no sewing involved. I've gotten so good at these that I can whip one up in less than two hours. I work on my bed while I watch TV to make the time go by faster.

Here's what you'll need to make a blanket:

1. Two pieces of fleece. I like to use a solid and a pattern or two contrasting colors. You can make whatever your little heart desires. I make big blankets. I use 2 yards of each color for a child or to use as a throw. If you're making it for a taller adult or want to use it as a blanket on a bed, I suggest getting 2 1/2 to 3 yards of each color. I used 3 yards for Adam's newest blanket. It's very long but he uses it on his bed and he needs the extra length. Jo-Ann's has their fleece on sale a lot. If it's not on sale, bring two coupons and make two separate purchases (a single cut piece of fabric counts as one item).

2. Scissors, tape measure or ruler, straight pins.

3. A large flat area to spread out your fabric. I always use my queen size bed.

That's it.

1. Lay out your fabric so it's smooth. Place one piece on top the other so the edges are lined up. 

2. I didn't worry about the lettering on the edge of the striped fabric. (though I don't know why they did that) You'll see at the end that it actually ads more color to the fringe. I also don't trim the curled edge but you can if you want to. It's one extra step I prefer not to do.

3. Hold the fabric in place by placing pins 4" from the edge around all four sides (you'll be using the pins as a guide for cutting). See my little ruler in the photo? I've had that since 7th grade. It still has my name written on a piece of masking tape on the back. It's hard to believe I was Emily's age when my mom bought me my first sewing kit for home ec class. Anyway, moving on...

4. Cut the corners out through both layers like this. You should be cutting off a 4" square.

5. Cut the edges into strips, about 1" apart. Use the pins as a guide as to how far in from the edge to cut. The width doesn't have to be perfect but keep them all the same length.  

6. Start tying. I tie in double knots. Do your corners first. I do one or two knots on each side of the corner, then do a few more to hold it in place. I gently tug and smooth out the fabric as I go so it lies smooth.

Hey, that's me! I usually cut and tie one edge at a time so I don't get bored just doing one thing.

7. See how colorful the fringe looks? This is the edge with the letters that I mentioned earlier. You can't even tell what it looked like before.

All done! Emily took this silly pic of me wrapped up in my new, toasty warm blanket! The nights are getting pretty cold so I'm happy I finally got around to making this.

These make great gifts! Watch for sales on fleece so you can make a warm and cozy blanket for a loved one. If you start now you've got plenty of time to make a few before Christmas. This would also make an awesome baby shower gift.

I selected this post to be featured on Scrapbooking Blogs and

Scrapbooking Blogs


Tracy said...

My youngest received one of these as a gift and my oldest made her's with a friend. I always steal theirs, Maybe its time to make my own teehee.
Thanks for sharing, I love the bright colours you used. Funny how we put ourselves on the backburner. And scary how fast time goes by.

bonkdawn said...

I love making these! The kids each have one and use them every night, too. Time to make one for the Mama! Love the colors that you used. Thanks for the inspiration!

Diana Joy said...

Love your blanket and you all werapped up in it's warmeth. Thanks for the tutorial. I've been thinking of doing one.

Jess @ Just by Jess said...

Thanks for linking this up at One Good Thing! I was just telling my husband that I would like to make fleece blankets for Christmas presents this year. Excellent tutorial, can't wait to get started!

Unknown said...

I also found you through One Good Thing! I loved your tutorial so much I "Pinned" it on Pinterest and its been getting lots of re-pins.
I needed a new blog post idea for the very near future,and this one is it! I will link to you and give you credit.
I also needed Christmas present idea's and I think I found the one. :)
Started a blanket last night for my grand baby's bday present.

Thank You!

Good Luck with your submission! I submitted a few myself.

Judy said...

Thank you Jess and CMW for the new comments! These blankets are so simple and quick to make (if you consider a couple of hours quick). They really make a great gift. Everyone I've made them for has loved them - even my cats! lol Thanks so much for pinning this and for the future blog link!

Unknown said...

Hi Judy,
I've made two blankets since I made a comment to you the other day :) two down, 8? more to go! It took me more than 2 hours (maybe 4)but I'm sure once I get a "system" I'll speed up too, but still a quick easy gift,that looks great!!
Again, thanks for the wonderful tutorial!

btw I vote for you submission,mine didn't receive any votes :( I didn't even know that we were the ones voting!!
Anyways, I'll let you know when I post my tutorial on my blog. I'm not sure when that will be seeing as some of the ppl that read it are getting a blanket for Christmas hehehe
here is a link to my blog,if you care to look


Judy said...

Carol, thanks for all your nice words! I'm so glad the blanket tutorial worked out for you. They go faster as you develop your own routine. I haven't made one since this tutorial (which was posted two years ago!) but if the need arises I'll be ready. Maybe someone in my family will have a baby one of these days! BTW, I'm following your blog now!

Unknown said...

I posted the Blanket Tutorial this morning

Thanks Judy

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