Free sunflower photo obtained from
I just read a blog post on Tiny Buddha about choosing to be happy. The guy who wrote it is only 23 years old but he makes some excellent points. His blog post inspired me to create the graphic above (the photo isn't mine but I added the text).
Accountability kind of went out the window during week two. It started with Labor Day weekend when I spent a lot of time just be plain old lazy. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being lazy - in moderation - but I spent the entire weekend being lazy. I could have been doing a million things - crafting, cleaning (ick), organizing - but I didn't. Oh well, such is life. Nothing good is going to come from rambling on about what I could have done. The rest of the week went about the same. I was busy at work but I'd come home and do nothing more than the bare basics of cooking, laundry and a little bit of cleaning.
We had our date night last Saturday. It was so good for the two of us to get out without kids. It's been way too long. The kids, especially my son, have such busy schedules. It means Mom and Dad's life always gets put on the back burner while we make sure the teenagers get to and from wherever they need to be. Anyway, we ate at a small restaurant at the mall. It was a little pricey for our budget but it was a well deserved splurge. I had a burger and fries and a cocktail (I rarely drink so that's a pretty big thing!). My husband had a rack of ribs and a couple of beers. He dribbled BBQ sauce down the front of his shirt (doh!) so we stopped in Sears to buy him a new shirt. We found a nice polo shirt on the clearance rack for only $6.99! It looked better on him than the shirt he stained!
After a quick costume change in the men's room for him, we went to see Hope Springs with Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones. I giggled when I saw that 90% of the audience consisted of older couples. I think I saw only one or two groups that were not an old married couple. I loved the movie. Absolutely loved it. I rarely love a movie enough to want to see it again right away. If I could see this again tomorrow I would. I'm sure there's something in this movie that any long-term married couple can relate to. I laughed and I cried. It was so good.
Anyway, back to the rest of my week. I spent too much time online - mostly reading other blogs and checking out Pinterest. It wasn't a total wash out. It made me want to reorganize my kitchen again. Between acquiring a Keurig and a Kitchen-aid mixer over the past year, plus all the crap paperwork that seems to breed, my small kitchen is overflowing with too much stuff. Some of my cabinet organization isn't working for me convenience-wise, so the wheels are turning on how to fix that issue as well. I think a trip to Goodwill is in order. I'm looking for inexpensive jars to use as canisters. I'd like my sugar and flour on the counter where I can get to them easily (they're currently in a hard-to-reach spot that makes me curse every time I need to use them). I also need to find a place to put the Kitchen-aid mixer. It doesn't get used often enough to have it taking up space on my counter, but I don't want to put it where I can't get it easily because it's heavy to move. Decisions, decisions. It's a project I need to give some serious thought to.
My daughter and I are going to a crop at the local scrapbook store this afternoon. One of my goals this week is to photograph some of my recent layouts to show off here. I'll also be brainstorming how to revamp my kitchen on a very tiny non-existent budget to make it flow better.
If you've written or read a helpful blog post on small kitchen organization, please post a link in the comments section. I need all the help I can get!
Remember... Make it a great day or not, the choice is yours.
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